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Samira Jaafar, Hamieh Hamieh, & Triplets Ali Jabal, Cattleya, and Carine Hamieh

Generations At SABIS®
Samira Jaafar, Hamieh Hamieh, & Triplets Ali Jabal, Cattleya, and Carine Hamieh

“I strongly believe in SABIS®’ rich and high-standard education and system. I have chosen SABIS® for my child,
and later will choose it for his younger siblings, because I have personally experienced the great foundation I
have gained as a student at SABIS®. The distinguished results I achieved at university were due to my SABIS®
education. My grandfather chose SABIS® for his sons, my father chose it for me and my siblings, and now I am
choosing it for my children.”

Samira Jaafar