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Competition Heats Up among SABIS® U.S. Public Charter Schools

Date: Thursday, April 20, 2017

In October 2016, the SIS-Phoenix Director Will Henry, along with the school Student Life Coordinator, initiated an Accelerated Reader (AR®) competition among grade 4-8 students in SABIS® U.S. public charter schools.

Grade 5 students at SIS celebrating success

The objective of the initiative was to promote reading, bring students together, and encourage students to read and learn the most words possible throughout the month.  Upon completing each book, students took tests to check whether they had mastered the content. The level of excitement and enthusiasm was evident as students displayed their knowledge of vocabulary and language.

“I think it’s really cool to know that we’re currently the top reading 5th graders in U.S. SABIS® Network!”  - Abigail Lucero, 5th grade student at SIS-Phoenix.

The competition extended over the months of October and November of 2016 and will continue throughout the months of January and February of 2017 with the final results posted in March.

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