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Sardam International School Students Visit AUK

Date: Monday, April 3, 2017

Grade 10 students enrolled in the optional business class at Sardam International School visited the American University of Kurdistan (AUK) on October 24, 2016. Accompanied by their teacher, thirteen students took a tour of the AUK campus and attended a university-level business lecture.  

Impressively, the students were able to participate in the class discussions and interacted well with AUK professor and students. “The students from Sardam International School were very bright and had a good understanding of the English language,” commented Mr. Vijay Kapour, Instructor of Business at AUK.

This trip to AUK was a wonderful opportunity for Sardam School students to experience university life and participate in a course with university students! “We got the chance to engage in one of the business lectures and learned adequate information about the university itself. All in all, it was a trip to remember and an experience to benefit from,” said Hayv Naji Saeed, Grade 10 student at Sardam International School.

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